AWS Knowledge

Choosing the Right EC2 Alternative for Scaling

Stuart Lundberg

Oct 2, 2024

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    Table of contents will appear here.
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Bringing a cloud computing service, Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) ranks among the more outstanding scalable options available in the market. However, per the trend of startups IT experts including cloud architects, seeking to utilize resources better and increase efficiency, it may make strategic sense to seek alternatives. This guide seeks to help you understand how to go about choosing the requisite EC2 auto scaling alternatives based on how much scaling you intend to do.

Why Explore Beyond Amazon EC2?

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a cloud service that provides resizable compute capacity and allows users to create virtual machines that they are charged based on usage. However, it does have its weaknesses and challenges such as cost, while very affordable among large organizations, may be a hindrance towards scaling up operations for start ups and Small medium enterprises (SMEs).

EC2 alternatives are cheap, easier, and more focused into specific problems which can be hard to find in the EC2 department. These rambles also help locate an answer which possesses the optimum mix of price, efficiency and flexibility.

Understanding the Basics of Scaling in Cloud Computing

Scaling in cloud computing is an important and core concept within the realms of growth management because it guarantees that the application is capable of handling increased usage levels with ease, as this essay explores and outlines. It is concerned with two main forms namely: Vertical scaling, or scaling up, is the practice of augmenting the capabilities of an instance by placing additional resources such as CPU and RAM to the current configuration. It is usually easier and quicker to do this as it involves improving the current server or virtual machine. However, there is a limitation on how much a single machine can be improved, normally around 10-20%.

The other type is horizontal scaling, also known as scaling out, which requires a systematic expansion where more number instances or servers are added in order to meet the load. This approach can in turn help in distributing the load across a number of machines, increasing fault tolerance and load distribution. Horizontal scaling is beneficial for use during such times when application load changes, for the straight forward reason that it allows instances to be added or removed easily with the workload, which often fluctuates between 50 and 100% increasing and decreasing respectively.

The most integral part of scalability is that it is specialized in optimizing performance as well as costs and has elastic capabilities, meaning completely dynamic when it comes to adding or reducing resources. Through the adoption of efficient scaling tactics, businesses are in a position to prevent lags in performance, decrease periods of inactivity and lower wastage of resources resulting in enhanced experience for the users of cloud environments and savings on the expenses incurred in such environments.

Factors to Consider When Evaluating EC2 Alternatives

Performance Requirements

When evaluating options other than EC2, one of the major assumptions should be a clear understanding of the amount of compute and memory that will be required by the application. Different applications require different amounts of computing resources and memory based on their complexity and usage. Also, the use of network bandwidth is another component that guarantees adequate data 7Mn transfer and communication between the services. Take these performance metrics into consideration to see whether they meet any application requirements in order to achieve performance efficiency.

Cost Efficiency

Cost efficiency is another key reason that should be deemed while seeking to engage cloud service providers. Each provider has its unique pricing model whereby the user can opt for on-demand, reserved, or spot instances that allow some degree of cost effective within some degree of flexibility. To achieve proper TCO assessment it is important to do a thorough assessment of both the direct costs and indirect costs. This should not only cover the normal instance costs but such things as data transfer, storage and other unexpected costs as well.

Ease of Use

A simple and effective management interface is critical for optimal utilization of cloud resources. To that end resource management tools must be designed with practicality in mind as they can determine levels of productivity as well as the time limits within which designing resource deployment and management can take place. Think about the time it would take to get used to the new platforms and how well such platforms fit in the workflows of the users. The availability of such learning resources has and is still aiding this migration.

Integration Capabilities

In order to come to a final decision on an EC2 substitute, compatibility with the existing tools and services is a must. Search for relevant Aptly provided structures that have automation and API support to ease integration and workings of the system. Specifically, this would mean integration with relevant DevOps tools, CI/CD pipelines, and other third-party services your team may already be using. Being able to integrate with such systems decreases operational time and complexity.

Support and Community

The availability and quality of the customer support dimension includes evaluating the availability and quality of customer care. There are also times when good support might be needed in a way that such a person does not need to go through many procedures to do that. In addition to that, having core support of the platform in the resources and forums that are devoted to it as well as the documentation may be beneficial in coming up with new ideas and answering questions. Community members can provide feedback and suggestions on how to use the service more efficiently and what problems others have had using it.

Exploring the Top EC2 Alternatives for Scaling

Google Compute Engine

For deployments based on containers, Google Compute Engine (GCE) is best suited as it offers the machine images that Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) uses to perform various functions regarding containerized applications. GCE is also very useful for situations where automation and Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) is a primary focus because it can be easily used in conjunction with Terraform in configuration management of infrastructure. Furthermore, they facilitate integration with other services of Google Cloud Platform (GCP), such as the deployment of Cloud Storage and BigQuery, making it even more favorable for such operations.

In case this would be your first time using google cloud you get to enjoy a free month's usage of one e2-micro VM instance with $300 in free credits in Google Compute Engine.

Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets

With the use of Azure's VM Scale Sets, enterprises can leverage a reliable, fault-tolerant autonomous scale mechanism for their applications without compromising performance. This makes it a primary choice for companies that are deeply cemented within the Microsoft environment.

Where they can be used, organizations that employ Windows or Linux applications will find Azure Virtual Machines ideal. They replace the task of creating, administering, and scaling the virtual instances, thereby optimizing resources and reducing costs. Their usefulness is further enhanced by usage with other components of Azure, therefore making them suitable for development, testing, and hosting activities.

Whether you are upgrading your current systems or developing wholly new ones, Azure VMs provide the level of customization and control that you desire. A wide variety of configurations and sizes are available to make the virtual environment fit your specific requirements. You do not have to worry about your operations getting out of control since your data and applications are well protected by Azure’s security features and compliance certifications.


DigitalOcean has virtual machines known as Domaths which are Linux-based, scalable, independent and hosted on a cloud. The Droplets provide elasticity in that users are able to modify the amount of processing units, memory and storage that would best fit the application. There are some plans and configurations that can fit every user. Each Droplet is constructed to completely be in a separate environment to encapsulate resources and to connect between Droplets that have been placed in that environment through secure private cloud networking. DigitalOcean's easy to use service, affordable scalability and clear billing simplicity positions it as a good candidate for EC2 alternatives geared towards small business and especially start ups. In addition, take up their $200 free trial offer for the first 60 days and explore it.

Vultr Cloud Compute

Vultr Cloud Compute is a service of high performance and flexible usage great for web hosting offered by Vultr that is equipped with the latest AMD and Intel processors. It allows users to deploy and scale the virtual machines as well as the bare metal servers on the fly in 32 data centers throughout the world. It is made in a way that meets any demand of the customers by scaling up or down how much resources are utilized without causing downtime and creating any processes they want without the fear of being hounded by the vendors. Contrarily, Vultr Cloud Compute offers a low-cost model without compromising performance and features compared with other more complicated and expensive cloud service models.

The Free Trial comes with $250 Credits.

IBM Cloud

IBM Cloud Virtual Servers work best for companies already onboard or already using IBM Cloud as it optimizes enterprise level applications up to 95 % efficiency. They help harness the independent deployment of micro services which allows scaling the applications whenever needed. These servers are capable of handling high traffic and perform well with caching for three tier web applications.

Furthermore, IBM Cloud Virtual Servers are also cost efficient in operating SAP workloads with 90% assurance in running critical business processes. Also, they are oriented towards high performance computing including artificial intelligence as well as machine learning using powerful Nvidia graphic processing units with processing speed increased by up to 80%.

Organizations with higher levels of security are supported by IBM with confidential computing that makes use of modern hardware to safeguard sensitive data and AI workloads such as Intel SGX technology which has a success rate of data protection of 99%.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)

When compared to other cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) is market revolutionary due to its structure that has been developed to mitigate network collisions and vertical scaling problems.

The advanced network system of OCI removes a lot of network collisions as it uses load distribution and traffic control measures. Such an arrangement maintains the separation of the loads so that they do not affect one another leading to steady and reliable performance in many applications by enhancing performance by about thirty percent.

When it comes to vertical scaling, OCI offers a variety of compute shapes to achieve the desired resource allocation. As a result, organizations can scale their infrastructure appropriately without provision exceeding requirements. Different from other cloud environments, OCI does not require much adaptation or introduce obstacles to performance when scaling vertically thus efficiency could increase by twenty five percent.

The Free Trial comes with up to $300 cloud credits that are valid for up to 30 days.


Among other hosting providers, Linode is liked especially by developers because of its clear cut price system and management tools for their services, with an offer of free $100 credits. This is ideal for those developers or businesses that wish to use the cloud without getting hurt by all the intermediate complications with the cloud. According to it, Linode facilitates everyone to manage their cloud infrastructure without any superfluous management features by putting in place very good graphical interfaces. In addition to this Linode guarantees very important performance metrics among which includes stability of uptime and quality of service. Customer feedback shows that approximately 95% of Linode users acknowledge effective performance and ease of use, which further proves its ability to deliver safe cloud solutions.

Real-World Case Studies of EC2 Alternatives

There are studies which show how businesses have successfully moved away from Amazon’s EC2 and to the public blue ocean where they get greater performance and better cost savings. This trend is being influenced primarily by the need for more accurate billing, enhanced performance of their applications, and better resource management in general.

For example, a tech startup, for the transparent pricing model and benefits it brings in terms of improved application performance, moved its transition to DigitalOcean. The migration resulted in 30% cost savings on infrastructure, enabling the company's resources to be spent elsewhere in its areas of growth.

Among them is Etsy: a well-known ecommerce website that provides custom-made items to its customers through Etsy platforms. Etsy decided to move to GCP in order to enhance scalability, performance as well as cost effectiveness. Thanks to GCP’s scaling and infrastructure capacity as well as advanced features, Etsy has been able to cope with the upsurge of traffic and improve the overall user experience for her customers at a given cost structure.

From these provided examples, there is evidence that cloud computing benefits outstrips the incurred costs as long as companies assess which computation method is better suited for particular organizational tasks.

Best Practices for Transitioning to a New Platform

Transitioning from EC2 to an alternative is not seamless and requires strategic assimilation.

  • Migration Steps: It is essential to landscape migration steps and come up with an all-inclusive migration plan, with attention to data migration, application requirements, and application testing.

  • Testing Strategies: New testing strategies are required to ensure that the performance will be the same as or better than the existing configuration.

  • Monitoring Tools: Monitoring tools will be employed to provide continuous assessment of performance and improvement measures with apposite alterations that may be required.

  • Monitoring Cost Optimization: Effective cost management is critical before and after cloud migration. Pump is an AI tool that can help companies save up to 60% on AWS and GCP by using group buying, AI, and waterfall coverage.


The highs and lows of looking for the best in EC2 auto scaling alternatives entails assessing how cheap or expensive the cost is, how much scaling can be done, how user friendly the product is and whether there is vendor lock-in. Every alternative presents its uniqueness in features and the most suitable choice depends on the needs and goals of the user.

In the case of budding businesses, it may be centered on costs and wall clutter while in more mature businesses it might be around efficacy and security. These insights can be useful for IT staff members and cloud architects in offering options that fit the organization's strategic goals.

Make sure that you come back to this place when the cloud solution has been turned into reality it will not only be up to your expectations but also that the business will be in position to expand without limitation. Incorporating these EC2 alternatives to the architectural planning ensures a better, cheaper and expandable cloud framework.

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If you found this post interesting, consider checking out Pump, which can save you up to 60% off AWS for early-stage startups, and it’s completely free (yes, that's right!). Pump has tailor-made solutions to take you in control of your AWS and GCP spend in an effective way. So, are you ready to take charge of cloud expenses and maximize the most from your investment in AWS? Learn more here.

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