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Understanding GCP IAM for User Access Management

Piyush Kalra

Sep 20, 2024

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    Table of contents will appear here.
    Table of contents will appear here.

User access levels are usually well accounted for in conventional IT systems. But the management of access levels could be a complicated and time-consuming task when it comes to cloud environments and enterprises with many layers. That’s why it is particularly important for cloud administrators, developers, and IT managers to understand the mechanics of GCP IAM and how to implement it in such a way as to achieve the best possible security combined with efficient user access.


The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offers a robust assortment of cloud computing tools enabling organizations to design technological solutions and implement them with speed and ease. But with such power comes the burden of knowing who has access to doing what inside your cloud. GCP provides the users with an Identity and Access Management (IAM) system that gives all the users and identities proper roles and policies that define their access on the GCP platform. In this guide, we will cover the basics of GCP IAM and more specifically the practical aspects of managing user access, explaining all the elements that come into play.

Understanding GCP IAM

(Image Source: Google Cloud)

Overview of Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Cloud IAM tells who can do what activities and where this may occur inside Google Cloud. It enables the central management of cloud resources with granular control and visibility to ensure that only designated users are granted access to specified resources enhancing the security of the cloud infrastructure.

Policies defining IAM permit the management of users to particular cloud resources in Google using IAM policies called IAM bindings, which bind a principal, role and associated resource. An IAM binding is a device for combining an identity group with a particular role of a resource in the hierarchy. Binding principals can include:

  • An organization's domain, granting the role to all members

  • A user from Workspace/Cloud Identity

  • A group from Workspace/Cloud Identity

  • A service account

IAM Role is a way to group related permissions into three categories: basic, predefined, and custom roles.

  • Basic roles are easy to understand, however, their scope is rather wide and the permissions for them are broad’ for example if a user is assigned the owner role their activity can be within an editor’s scope.

  •  Predefined roles come in handy hence each is built toward a given service hence gives a narrower permission scope. These are much better than the basic roles, though require more setting up.

  •  Custom roles are created when there is a need to limit some certain permissions to a particular organization, project or service. This is the most secure level but also the one that takes a lot of time to handle.

IAM Conditions make it possible to attach a particular policy to a given condition such as resources and requests attributes. Specific examples include;

  • Access limited to certain times, e.g., allowing access only after business hours

  • Restricting access to specific resources, e.g. a concept that forbids entry to resources like a VM within the defining name 'webapp-frontend-’

  • Imposing network address space limitations, allowing access exclusively from the corporate network.

Key Components of GCP IAM

  1. Principals:

  • Users: Single Google Accounts that utilize Google Cloud.

  • Groups: Collections of Google Accounts and service accounts.

  • Service Accounts: Accounts used by applications or services and not by users.

  1. Roles:

  • Predefined Roles: More service oriented roles with high specificity.

  • Custom Roles: User-defined roles tailored to specific organizational needs.

  1. Permissions:

  • Access levels granted to a role which controls the type of activities that can be performed on a resource.

  1. Policies:

  • Policies outline how resources are accessed by assigning particular individuals to specific roles.

The Role of IAM in User Access Management

Feasibility of User Access Management

Identity and Access Management (IAM) is an effective method for user access management due to its capacity to systematically assign different access rights to the users of the different resources. Through Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) permissions assignments based on user actions are avoided and instead apportioned on job tasks. Access also varies with designation, for instance a project manager may be allowed to open folders containing all project files whereas a member may only open necessary documents for her tasks enabling both efficiency and security in work.

Importance of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Role Based Access Control (RBAC) mitigates risks by enhancing isolation within a single Cloud Data Fusion instance. RBAC, also assists in eliminating unnecessary instance use, by letting different teams work on the same instance. For example, organizations may impose restrictions about what users may do So users may run pipelines inside a namespace,-defined user roles, but won’t be able to alter things such as artifacts or runtime profiles, and won’t be able to edit or run pipelines, just view them. Further, a user may be given permission to create pipelines or Components, or deploy and run those pipelines or components recently deployed.

Principle of Least Privilege

IAM policies form a couple of other parts, like the principle of least privilege, with regards to the aforementioned policies. It simply means that those privileged users or access to resources should only do so with a purpose and for a minimal time frame. For example, in a situation where the user only needs to read but cannot change anything, then in such cases, this principle would only give them read-only access. This technique secures the organization from breaches as it minimizes the impact of a user account turning rogue.

Setting Up IAM in GCP

Accessing the IAM Console

To set up IAM in GCP, you’ll first need to access the IAM console. Go to the Google Cloud Console, then select “IAM & Admin” from the navigation menu. This takes you to the IAM dashboard, where you can manage all aspects of identity and access related configurations.

Creating and Managing Principals

Creating Users and Groups:

  • Add new users by inviting them via email.

    • Click on Grant Access

    • Provide the email address of the user you are adding

    • Select a role from the dropdown 

    • Click on Save.

  • Create groups to manage permissions for multiple users collectively.

Creating Service Accounts:

  • Go to the “Service Accounts” section in the IAM console.

  • Click “Create Service Account” and follow the prompts to set up the account.

Assigning Roles and Permissions

You can assign roles to users, groups, or service accounts i.e. principals from the role assignment section of your IAM. For easier management of regularly performed tasks, use the built-in roles, but for unique tasks, create and assign your own roles. Be careful to only provide the minimum amount of permissions that are necessary.

Configuring Policies for Resource Access

You can define IAM policies with the help of role bindings that link the principals and the roles for defined resources. These policies are further attached to defined resources in an effort to manage access.

Best Practices for GCP IAM

Regular Audits of IAM Policies and Permissions

Conduct regular audits of your IAM policies and permissions to ensure they remain aligned with current organizational needs and security standards. Use tools like Google’s Recommender to identify and remove unnecessary permissions.

Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is beneficial because it fortifies the security of user accounts. MFA entails the use of two or more verification elements to grant access to a user in order to eliminate any chances of wrongful access.

Utilizing Service Accounts for Automated Tasks

Services accounts are beneficial for performing various scripted tasks and for performing non-human activities on your GCP resources. These accounts should have only the minimum permissions needed so as to reduce the security risks they present.

Creating Custom Roles Tailored to Organizational Needs

When predefined roles don’t meet your requirements, create custom roles to tailor permissions precisely. This approach ensures that users have only the access they need, enhancing security and efficiency.

Monitoring and Reviewing Access Logs

Regularly monitor and review access logs to detect unusual activities and potential security threats. GCP’s built-in audit trails provide comprehensive logging of permissions, authorizations, and access patterns.

Common Challenges and Solutions

Over-Permissioned Users and Roles

  • Challenge: Over-Permissive users and roles also come with their own risks especially in terms of security.

  • Solution:

    • For instance, permissions can be analyzed and access control nurtured by Google’s Recommender and similar tools

    • Regular audits must be carried out to review users’ roles to validate the least privileges policies of the organization.

Complexity in Managing Multiple Service Accounts

  • Challenge: Managing several service accounts in an organization becomes a tedious task that is subject to all sorts of mistakes.

  • Solution:

    • Arrange service accounts according to project or purpose so as to ease management by closing some loopholes.

    • Employ different projects for the service account’s central administration.


Understanding and applying GCP IAM is paramount for proper user access management in cloud services. Mastering the best practices and powerful functionality of GCP IAM will better the security posture, streamline access controls, meet regulatory requirements, and help the organization to enjoy the built-in functionality offered by GCP.

Additional Resource

To gain a deeper insight into GCP IAM practices, we recommend exploring the Google Cloud IAM Documentation. You can find valuable information at the following links: 

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